Core Departments

The functions of the Department are as follows:

▪ Formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate youth development policies, programmes and projects.
▪ Set up mechanisms to mainstream youth development issues in national development policies and programmes.
▪ Promote the participation of youths in leadership and decision-making processes.
▪ Facilitate youth exchange programmes.
▪ Coordinate the implementation of youth development initiatives and programmes in both the private and public sectors.
▪ Liaise with sector ministries and stakeholders for the creation of youth development opportunities.
▪ Strengthen the participation of youth in peace building.
▪ Collaborate with other agencies, national, regional and international in youth development programmes.
▪ Mobilise youth for participation in Ministry and other youth related programmes.
▪ Domesticate regional conventions on youth development (African Youth Charter; SADC Declaration on Youth Development and Empowerment

The functions of this Department are as follows:

▪ Formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate youth economic empowerment policies, programmes and projects.
▪ Set up mechanisms to mainstream youth economic empowerment issues in national development policies and programmes.
▪ Coordinate the implementation of youth economic empowerment initiatives and programmes in both the private and public sectors.
▪ Liaise with sector ministries and stakeholders for the creation of youth economic empowerment opportunities.
▪ Collaborate with other agencies, national, regional and international in youth economic empowerment programmes.
▪ Coordinate the formation, registration and capacity building of youth groups and businesses.
▪ Manage the youth development fund, youth business incubation hubs and other youth emergency facilities.
▪ Identify business opportunities and resource bases and provide business information to existing and upcoming young entrepreneurs.
▪ Plan, appraise, monitor and evaluate projects for funding under the Youth Development Fund for the youth.
▪ Promote the development of both existing and new youth business enterprises through policy articulation and designing of appropriate strategies

The functions of this Department are as follows:

▪ Formulate and implement youth service and volunteerism policies and strategies.
▪ Inculcate among the youth values of patriotism, discipline, national identity, service and civic responsibility.
▪ Impart a public-private culture through on-the-job experience and meaningful exposure to the world of work.
▪ Provide career guidance, and impart life and entrepreneurial skills for resilience and employment creation.
▪ Facilitate placement of Youth Service in Zimbabwe graduates for employment in Government, Parastatals, and other organisations, as well as enrolment in higher and tertiary education institutions.
▪ Develop and constantly review curricula for the Youth Service in Zimbabwe Training Programme.
▪ Conduct tracer studies to assess the effectiveness of Youth Service in Zimbabwe training.
▪ Facilitate empowerment opportunities for graduates of the Youth Service in Zimbabwe training programme.
▪ Facilitate public-private partnerships (PPPs) for Youth Service in Zimbabwe Training Institutions.

The functions of this Department are as follows:

▪ Develop policies, procedures and training necessary for effective youth commercial business units.
▪ Coordinate business development and partner outreach for establishment of Public Private Partnerships and Joint Ventures for youth empowerment.
▪ Develop and implement Ministry’s resource mobilization strategy and advocacy.
▪ Provide technical support in entrepreneurship development and management of youth hubs.
▪ Conceptualize and design youth incubation hubs.
▪ Develop youth empowerment and funding models

The functions of this Department are as follows:

▪ Formulate and implement skills development policies.
▪ Structure youth skills training programmes.
▪ Facilitate public private partnerships (PPPs) for vocational training centres (VTCs).
▪ Facilitate intra and inter-ministerial engagements.
▪ Develop industry engagement strategies.
▪ Equip youth with technical, vocational and entrepreneurial skills for employment creation and self-sustenance.
▪ Develop relevant curricula for vocational and entrepreneurial skills training for the youth.
▪ Conduct tracer studies to assess the effectiveness of vocational training.
▪ Establish incubators at VTCs for business production and mentorship.
▪ Participate in national infrastructure development programmes.
▪ Equip youths with relevant pre-vocational and life-long skills for personal growth, technical and self-sustenance.
▪ Develop an entrepreneurial mindset in youth.

Support Departments

The Unit is mandated to support strategic objectives of the Ministry by ensuring value for money (VFM) through the provision of quality goods and services following a professionally transparent, effective, efficient and timely procurement process within the confines of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act chapter 22:23 (PPDPAA), Procurement Regulations, 2018, Public Finance and Management Act and relevant Circulars issued from time to time. 


  • Prepare bidding notices and shortlists in compliance with the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets act;
  • Conduct Bidding processes including pre-bid meetings, clarifications and the receipt and opening of bids;
  • Examine bids and recommend the most competitive supplier;
  • Evaluate bids and any post-qualification negotiations;
  • Prepare evaluation reports including contracts award recommendations in accordance with the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act;
  • Prepare contract documents;
  • Maintain records of purchases, pricing and other important data;
  • Review and Analyse all vendors/supplies, supply, and price options;
  • Negotiate the best deal for pricing and supply contacts;
  • Ensure that the products and supplies are high quality;
  • Maintain and update list of suppliers and their qualifications, delivery times and potential future development;
  • submit procurement and evaluation reports to the Deputy Director;
  • Conduct Market research on procurement best practices;
  • Provide technical guidance in work requirements and methods

The following are the functions for the Communications and Advocacy Unit:
• Coordinate, consolidate and strengthen overall communication in the Ministry;
• Brand building and management;
• Stakeholder relations management including scheduling and managing of media interviews, briefs and press conferences;
• Implement advocacy and outreach initiatives including public awareness campaigns exhibitions, roadshows, conferences, events;
• Formulate and implement the Ministry Stakeholder Communication Strategy;
• Assess the quality of Ministry Departments’ interface with stakeholders/clients against their expectations and proffer recommendations for improvement;
• Initiate and maintain online presence for the MWACSMED through the use of website, social media platforms, blogs and other emerging technologies and platforms; and
• Monitor local and foreign information and communication platforms and draft a report for Executive briefing to the Ministry’s principals.
• Draft, review and disseminate the client service charter
• Initiate design, production/procurement of promotional materials

To monitor the financial administration and procedures of the Ministry to ensure that:

  1. Proper accounting and bookkeeping transactions and procedures are carried out.
  2.  Proper accounting records are maintained.
  3. Adequate internal checks and controls are observed.
  4. Assets under the control of the Ministry are properly accounted for.
  5. Instructions and directions issued in terms of section 6 of the Public Finance Management Act (Chapter 22:19) are complied with.
  6. Generally, that the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act (Chapter 22:19) are being observed.
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